Naval Surface Warfare Center - Philadelphia, PA

Laboratory Coordinator:
Stephen Mastro, Ph.D.
Deputy Chief Technology Officer 
5001 South Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19112

NSWC Philadelphia Division, Philadelphia, PA

NSWCPD provides research, development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, engineering, systems integration, in-service engineering and fleet support with cyber-security, comprehensive logistics, and life-cycle savings through commonality for surface and undersea vehicle machinery, ship systems, equipment and material and to execute other responsibilities as assigned by Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center (COMNAVSURFWARCEN).

Our work is executed under four main departments as follows:

Machinery Programs & Platforms Department: Addresses technical program management, platform management and financial management, customer interface, business development, test facility safety, propulsion test site operation, industrial support and Fleet modernization.

Machinery Research, Logistics and Ship Integrity Department: Responsible for all Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), which includes Planned Maintenance System (PMS), Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS), training, commonality, obsolescence, provisioning and all machinery research and development.

Propulsion, Power and Auxiliary Machinery Systems Department: Handles auxiliary systems including auxiliary machinery, fluid systems and auxiliary system controls. It is responsible for conventional steam propulsion and steam machinery and systems. In addition, other key areas are electrical distribution systems and associated equipment, propulsion machinery including gas turbines and diesels, and Main Reduction Gears (MRG) as well as shafting. The department also takes care of habitability, hull and deck machinery, weapons elevators and cranes.

Cybersecure Machinery Controls Systems & Networks Department: Incorporates the new NSWCPD mission related to machinery control systems and cybersecurity. Supporting this new focus area is in addition to the department filling its usual roles encompassing machinery control systems, data acquisition systems, condition based maintenance, shipboard instrumentation, sensors, navigation system, integrated bridge and steering.

Below is a listing of our specifically designated Technical Capabilities, which gives some finer detail as to the kind of work we do.  Citizenship requirements apply to these opportunities.  Please contact the Laboratory Coordinator with any questions you may have.


PD104 Surface and Undersea Vehicle Machinery Systems Integration 

Provides a coordinated, integrated approach for all surface ship and submarine major machinery programs. Includes test and evaluation (T&E) initiatives, enabling technology insertion, and machinery integration and additive manufacturing processes into new acquisition programs and the deployment of machinery initiatives into the Fleet. This capability provides an integrated approach to systems engineering for machinery systems that requires focus from multiple technical capabilities. 


PD09 Surface and Undersea Vehicle Mechanical Power and Propulsion Systems 

Execute surface ship and submarine mechanical power and propulsion systems Engineering Agent and Life Cycle Management responsibilities. Life Cycle Management responsibilities include Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), In-Service Engineering (ISE), and Software Support. Specific items include gas turbine, diesel engine, and steam propulsion and power generating system components including reduction gears, clutches, brakes, couplings, thrust bearings, shafting components, propulsors, boilers, steam turbines, condensers, catapult launch systems and reboilers. 


PD10 Surface and Undersea Vehicle Electrical Power and Propulsion Systems 

Execute Hull and Deck Machinery Systems Engineering Agent responsibilities and Life Cycle Management responsibilities. Life Cycle Management responsibilities include Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), In-Service Engineering (ISE), and Software Support Agent (SSA) for all shipboard electrical systems and associated controls. Technical capabilities includes AC/DC electrical generators, motors and excitation systems driven by motors, diesel engines, steam and gas turbines; electrical propulsion systems including main, hybrid, auxiliary/secondary, emergency, and Integrated Power Systems; system level electrical systems architect and integrator with modeling and simulation for shipboard electrical generation, regulation, control, protection, AC/DC distribution systems and circuit protection; control systems and components of electric plant, power generation, system/power and energy management; mission interfaces/loads; power energy storage for batteries/UPS, capacitors, flywheels, and magnetic including Energy Magazines; grounding, EMI/EMC analysis; degaussing and superconductive shipboard systems and thermal imaging.


PD11 Surface and Undersea Vehicle Auxiliary Machinery Systems 

Executes Surface and Undersea Vehicle Auxiliary Machinery Systems Engineering Agent responsibilities and Life Cycle Management responsibilities. Life Cycle Management responsibilities include Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), In-Service Engineering (ISE), and Software Support Agent (SSA) for the critical infrastructure systems and equipment that support all aspects of operation such as propulsion, power generation, combat systems, life support, weapons, acoustics, depth, and maintenance. Specific items include pumps, air compressors, hydraulics, piping and valves, actuators, fuel, water and lubricating oil systems and components, heat exchangers and cooling systems and equipment, desalination plants, air conditioning plants, refrigeration systems, and refrigerant monitors, ballast/deballast systems, ventilation systems, oxygen and nitrogen generation and liquefaction, carbon dioxide removal systems, vertical launching system hull, mechanical and electrical (HM&E) equipment and SONAR pressurization systems. 


PD12 Surface and Undersea Vehicle Hull, Deck, and Habitability Machinery Systems 

Execute Hull and Deck Machinery Systems Engineering Agent responsibilities and Life Cycle Management responsibilities. Life Cycle Management responsibilities include Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), In-Service Engineering (ISE), and Software Support Agent (SSA). Hull and Deck Machinery Systems provide the intra-ship materiel and weapons handling and stowage, anchoring, mooring and towing, boat/vehicle/aircraft handling and stowage, manned/unmanned vehicle launch, recovery and handling/stowage systems on surface ships, hydraulics and steering (mechanical) and hull outfitting. Specific systems/equipment include: anchor windlasses, boat davits, conveyors, cranes, elevators (aircraft, cargo, weapons, and personnel), weapons stowage, stern ramps, recovery winches, surface vehicle launch/recovery tow cradle, hoists, submarine hydraulics, torpedo handling, minesweeping deck machinery, steering gear, helicopter hangar doors, life lines, safety nets, doors, hatches and scuttles. 


PD13 Surface and Undersea Vehicle Machinery Automation, Controls, Sensors and Network Systems 

Execute Surface and Undersea HM&E Machinery Automation, Controls, Sensors and Network Systems Engineering Agent responsibilities and Life Cycle Management responsibilities. Life Cycle Management (LCM) responsibilities include Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), In-Service Engineering (ISE), and Software Support Agent (SSA). Execute LCM responsibilities for Control, Monitoring, and Digital Connectivity of propulsion, electrical, steering, auxiliary, and damage systems and equipment. Integrate control systems and equipment across Technical Capability areas PD09, PD10, PD11, PD12 and PD21. Major components include computer-based consoles, controllers, network equipment, sensors, software applications, and associated interfaces. Major functions include situational awareness, machinery control, performance, and anomaly detection, unmanned machinery operation, automated navigation, distribution of information, condition assessment and energy monitoring & management, digital damage plotting, sensing of machinery parameters and integrated onboard training. 


PD19 Advanced Logistics Concepts and HM&E Life Cycle Logistics Support 

Provides research and development (R&D) for Navy logistics support technology and develops and maintains integrated logistics support (ILS) products for hull, mechanical, and electrical (HM&E) equipment and systems in the Fleet and for Army watercraft. Products and services include: concept development, R&D, test and evaluation (T&E), modeling and simulation, cost/benefit analysis, designs and specifications hardware, technology transition, knowledge/technology base, and management support. Specific areas of expertise and programs include: life cycle engineering, logistics technical documentation, logistics information technology, condition-based maintenance, logistics systems analysis, and modeling, offshore basing, materiel support and automated/prognostics maintenance. Provides Navy-wide logistics R&D, and research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E), Fleet support, and in-service engineering (ISE) for Fleet HM&E logistics systems (including ordnance, material, boat, and vehicle handling systems), ensuring mission sustainability where and when needed. Examines development and application of technologies pertinent to transportation and transfer of personnel and material; maintenance, diagnostics, and repair of surface and subsurface vessels and marine vehicle systems; development and maintenance of logistics technical documentation for HM&E systems; digital Logistics data environments, and ILS planning, management and implementation. 


PD21 Ship Recoverability and Damage Control 

Provides full spectrum support for ship recoverability and damage control. Products are the technologies, engineering, equipment, systems, procedures, and logistics necessary to ensure that all Navy ships and submarines are safe to operate and have the optimal recoverability while in theater and during peacetime accidents. These products apply to the platform, systems/equipment, and onboard personnel. Functions performed include research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E), design and acquisition support, and engineering for new ship and submarine designs, and in-service engineering (ISE) and alterations for current vehicles, systems, and equipment. Ship products include damage control and firefighting systems and equipment; damage control sensor systems and equipment, including fire and smoke detection; design guidance and analyses of alternatives; fire resistant and fire safe materials; conventional damage control systems and processes; damage control training; and damage control/recoverability analyses, assessment, tests and trials. Additionally, ISE and acquisition engineering is provided for decontamination, and ISE is provided for individual protection for chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) defense aboard ship and for Navy land-based forces; CBR defense equipment stowage and readiness improvement; damage stability analysis; and equipment for floatation and survival-at-sea.


PD24 HM&E for Undersea Vehicle Sail Systems and Deployed Systems 

Execute Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical (HM&E) for Submarine Sail and Deployed Systems Engineering Agent responsibilities and Life Cycle Management responsibilities. Life Cycle Management responsibilities include Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), In-Service Engineering (ISE), and Software Support Agent (SSA). Specific items within this technical capability include the sail mounted and deployed (buoy and floating wire) antenna, periscope, snorkel, imaging and electronic warfare (I&EW), and radar systems. Of critical importance is the operation of the HM&E components, which raise/lower or deploy/retrieve sensors and from Submarines. Principal functions performed are the research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E), engineering, and life cycle management of undersea vehicle sail and deployed systems and equipment. 


PD27 Shipboard Waste and Hazardous Materials Management Systems 

Provides Lifecycle Management necessary to equip Navy ships with liquid and solid waste collection, transfer, management, treatment and discharge procedures, equipment, and systems that are best suited and/or designed to meet the unique requirements within the constraints of the warship environment (e.g., environmental compliance, space, weight, stealth, noise, logistics, manning, etc.). Capability includes the prevention, management, and cleanup of liquid waste spills. Products are the technologies, engineering, equipment, systems, processes, and procedures that are necessary to ensure that Navy ships and submarines can perform their mission worldwide in accordance with liquid, solid and hazardous materials management regulations. Functions performed include acquisition support, in-service engineering, alterations, and lifecycle management for current systems and equipment or upgrades and back-fits to improve performance. Provides the body of knowledge to sustain stewardship of liquid and solid waste systems and hazardous materials management processes throughout their life cycle; ensures independent and objective testing and certification of systems, validation, integration, and provides teaming/partnering with others as necessary to ensure proper equipment operations and readiness. 


PD28 Surface Ship and Undersea Vehicle Machinery Systems Integrity 

Executes Shipboard Integrity and Naval Machinery Performance Engineering Agent (EA) responsibilities and Life Cycle Management (LCM) responsibilities. EA and LCM responsibilities include acquisition support, test and evaluation, and in-service engineering. Areas of capabilities cover materials; fluids; in-service structures; corrosion control; vibration; shock and electromagnetic interference (EMI) of naval machinery components. Specific expertise and responsibility are for materials used in the design, fabrication, assessment, and maintenance of machinery components and systems to include welding; fasteners; non-destructive (ND) testing and evaluation; impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP); functional coating improvements; hydraulic, fuel and lube oil quality management; metallurgical failure analysis and water chemistry. In-service structures capabilities include assessments, recommendations for repair, validation of repair procedures, inspections, and post-installation follow-ups. Vibration, shock and EMI capabilities include certifications, assessments, testing, and requirements compliance for ship systems and components as well as inspections, maintenance of USN’s shock qualification data repository, and HM&E support of ship shock and survivability test programs and trials. 


PD29 Shipboard Habitability Systems 

Execute Shipboard Habitability Systems Engineering Agent responsibilities assigned by the NAVSEA Technical Authority and Life Cycle Management responsibilities/tasking assigned by the Programmatic Authority. Life Cycle Management responsibilities include Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) and In-Service Engineering (ISE). Habitability Systems include food service & scullery equipment, laundry and dry cleaning equipment, furniture, sanitary fixtures, and the following spaces: galley, mess decks, wardroom, berthing, staterooms, and recreation. 


PD30 SUBSAFE Supervising Authority and Level-I Material Certification 

Execute quality assurance oversight of NAVSEANOTE 5000 SUBSAFE qualified activities that perform submarine safety (SUBSAFE), Unrestricted Operations - Maintenance Requirement Card (URO-MRC) Inspections, Level-I material certification, and associated maintenance, modernization, overhaul, and repair of submarines. Develop, maintain, and administer local requirements, and procedures to execute organizational certification of SUBSAFE work. Principal functions performed are the surveillance, inspection, audit, analysis, and evaluation of SUBSAFE work performed by NAVSEANOTE 5000 qualified vendors to support SUBSAFE certification of submarine systems and equipment. Generate metrics in order to establish trends, identify areas of systemic weakness, and drive quality improvement.